Open House
ABC Child Care Center is celebrating 20 years this fall open house! Come and join the party as we look back on 20 years serving the Temecula valley. There will...
ABC Child Care Center is celebrating 20 years this fall open house! Come and join the party as we look back on 20 years serving the Temecula valley. There will...
Even the teachers get involved in our fun filled Halloween trick or treat parade! Everyone is welcome to dress up in kid friendly costumes as we invite parents into the...
ABC is open this veterans day and will continue to support and honor our military veterans and those currently serving.
School picture time! Make sure to pick up an envelope at the front desk and fill out your information. Bring your fancy clothes or some laid back duds and rock...
thanks·giv·ingˌTHaNGksˈɡiviNG/noun 1. the expression of gratitude, especially to God. "he offered prayers in thanksgiving for his safe arrival" 2. (in North America) an annual national holiday marked by religious observances...
Guess who's coming to visit? Our very own Tooth Fairy! She has been visiting ABC for over 20 years, and is pure magic as she sings, dances, and talks with...
The Tooth Fairy has been sharing her magic with ABC for over 20 years! Come join us even if its not your normally scheduled day, and sing, dance, and learn...
ABC welcomes Dr. Bakers Office as they teach us all about proper dental health and what to expect on your first visit to the dentist.
ABC Welcomes Dr. Bakers's office as they teach us all about proper dental hygiene and what a trip to the dentist is all about!
Roses are Red Violets are Blue Let us celebrate Valentines Together with you! Make sure to check with your child's teacher as individual class party times vary. Don't forget to...
Just one more reason to join us on Valentines Day! Part of our celebration includes a Clown show in the MPR. Get ready to step inside giant bubbles, catch sparkles, and watch some magic happen!