Infants: starting at 6 weeks old 4:1 ratio

We know that this is a very precious age and we want to come alongside you and work towards developmental milestones, healthy attachments, and a strong home/school partnership. Our staff is handpicked for their natural ability to care for young infants, and their passion for this age group. We provide hands on sensory activities to promote learning, as well as a variety of toys and materials to develop small and large motor development, language, and social understanding. At this age every baby has a unique schedule and with our 1:4 ratio, teachers can learn their children’s needs quickly and efficiently. Communication, both formal and informal, is key for building the relationships between families and teachers, daily intake/outtake reports are prepared by the teachers, and parents have the opportunity to document any activity at home as well. In our nursery the love of learning and school begins, and at ABC that love will continue for years to come!
Toddlers: up to 24 months 4:1 ratio

No longer content with peek-a-boo and multiple naps throughout the day, our toddlers are moving and grooving from morning till evening! Bursting with energy and a boundless curiosity, they are exploring the world around them as quickly as possible while refining development skills. The toddlers are offered unstructured play time each morning in order to allow them to enter the group at their own pace before moving into the day. We offer daily scheduled activities such as art, music, physical activities, dramatic play and story time in our flexible schedule. Our teachers are quick to promote the use of language, encourage movement, and create an environment that encourages social interactions.